Romancing the Depths

Many people turn their noses up at the notion of having a holiday for lovers, feeling they’re forced to focus on something that they’d rather do on their own schedule, when the notion strikes, later. Does later come in your world? I’ve been working with couples for over 30 years and there are many great changes afoot, a deeper loving is being discovered by those who are engaging more fully with the possibilities of conscious relationships. Is this deep and rich loving arriving in your life? For most the journey of authentic intimacy begins with a gnawing hunger for MORE. Whether people have been married for decades or dating for a couple of years I hear the same story; we rarely connect, our romance doesn’t carry the zing, the rush, pizzazz it did early on. Most people don’t want to hear this, but with a great deal of compassion I will tell you that the zing you felt at the beginning, usually the first 3 months of ...