2013 welcomes you to expanded possibilities!

Dear Hearts,

Welcome to a new year and a new cycle of creation upon our beloved earth. It has been a fascinating journey so far! As many of you know I’ve been a “sensitive” all my life which offers me the gift of experiencing an immediate and palpable resonance with many of the subtle underlying energies of who you are when I am working with you, as well as an engagement with the creative underlying movements of energy on the planet.
This last year many people were teaching us that a multitude of cycles of creation were all culminating and that there would be some profound changes around the winter solstice. These shifts are not something that everyone notices, but I have been profoundly moved. From what I’ve seen we are now in the midst of major paradigm shifts and there are many more changes coming. This is where I get very, very excited.

I delight in helping to birth these shifts in consciousness where we discover unlimited access to our inner resources and cultivate new possibilities on this beautiful planet. It is my main reason for being here. I am here to integrate these shifts in consciousness (what joy!) and to facilitate others, for as one of my mentors insists, “there is some assembly required” before we can skillfully access and use these new potentials.

These changes come from the inside of us, they’re empowered by our heart. By plugging our heart’s intelligence into a deeply grounded and felt presence, we become able to shift from our habituations into an empowered choice. We can release the undertow of our past patterns which we use to prop up our projections of the future. We move into a new harmonic, a field of unity and grace, while moving away from the distortions of separation, judgment and fear. We have the opportunity to be conscious about being conscious in the HERE and NOW.

Our authentic power is found in our ability to be present, and to FEEL into our experience, our vision, our choices, for we are immersed in planetary and galactic frequencies that truly support the creative resonance of that which we hold in our NOW. Some call this “zero point consciousness’, the Beatles called it Instant Karma. This unfolding paradigm releases boundless creative energy, joy and larger possibilities.

We access these expanded powers of creation within our deep heart, that energetic conduit to our soul. Do you know that the heart has its own neurotransmitters, triggers balancing and bonding hormones, and organizes our entire electromagnetic field? The heart is many times more powerful than our brain and entrains us with the planet and the beings around us. We’ve grossly underestimated the power of the heart, the unconditional heart. This is the same energy of spirit that creates and embodies universes. Connectivity.  Mutual benefit.  Sustainment.  Replenishment.  Support.  That is the power of your heart. 

So, here we are in the midst of new beginnings that are capable of moving us into the realm of the miraculous, rich with brilliant complexity. To enter this frequency of new possibilities that is powered by unconditional love and belonging, we must release our attachments to our perceptions of limitation, our habits of disconnection and egoic obsessions. We can surrender to the deep truth of who we are and have always been, a spirit having a human experience. We are more extraordinary than we know.

What is the most loving and fruitful vision of your life? What can you contribute to the nurturance and thrival of all life? Just holding these questions in your heart begins to create them. As you develop the presence and authentic well-being that is inherent within, you begin to live these visions, struggle ends and an unfolding happens. Be sure to bring abundant compassion with you on the journey, breathe deeply, cultivate love and embrace the possibilities. We’re in for a rockin’ year!


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