Valentines Gifts and Random Acts of Affection
How many of us have felt the emptiness of a Valentine's Day
where the expected was done, the gestures well meaning, but the day somehow
still seemed to ring hollow? Deep inside most of us there is a bit of a
rejection in the idea that there is only this one day to offer gestures of love
on demand, and we resist the whole idea by saying we're somehow being
bought, forced into love by Hallmark.
But might I say that this is actually a day that could be
celebrated as a high holy day, an activating reminder of our desire for
intimacy and the generosity of heart that is our deepest hunger every day?

Keep in mind that the richest gifts may be those you give
when you least feel like extending yourself. In these moments you may sense
that you have more to offer but you stop because the way forward is blocked by
the unknown, or mired in festering wounds of closure.
If you find yourself on the precipice, wondering if you're
about to fail to give your lover what they want, relax your mind, breathe into
your heart, and offer any kind and generous thought. Gift your trust, and have
faith in love, for in these moments we actually transform our contracted
relationships with our courage, our generosity and desire.
The question to ask yourself is, what do you desire to
experience in your beloved's presence? This could be the very gift you offer.
Consider the possibilities, activate the feeling, and find that impish grin.
There is unlimited love mischief possible!