Sun Day Circle Meditation & Pracitices of Awakening

Sun Day Circle:  an Experiencing Spirit Community

Experiential practices for connecting 
Self to Soul, Spirit to Community
Webinars and chat rooms are sometimes interesting but they don’t rock my soul. Mp3s are wonderful when I want to be alone and tune in, faithful assistance for spiritual practices. But what I love the most is the field of juicy, soulful, resonant energy that can be shared with one or more radiant fellow humans.

In this world, awash with profound, but fearful changes of a new reality, many evolving souls are hungry for a deeper and more experiential connection with the presence of Spirit within, here and now. These experiences of alignment have the power to change our world into something resonant with life, as well as more luscious and whole. Let’s not do this alone, eh? There is so much more.

I want to join with you in co-creating just such a community. It’s time to explore the possibilities of embodying a fullness of Being, together. I’m calling this weekly gathering the Sun Day Circle, an Experiencing Spirit Community. 

In 2013 this group will be offered twice a month: 1-3pm in Woodinville WA
1st Sunday is the Art and Practice of Meditation 
3rd Sunday is dedicated to Practices of Awakening.

Become the changes you want to see
Our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and the emanations of our subtle energy bodies are vibratory in their true nature. They flow in and around each of us, and it is this vibratory field that activates, co-creates, and transforms our world at its core reality, and then cascades outward to our local universe.
If these emanations are coherent we tap into a leading edge of potentiality and naturally become powerful facilitators, guides, and co-creators. We experience a direct connection to our inherent spiritual powers, larger fields of possibilities and unity, and our life is greatly uplifted.

Playing in a soulful sphere of consciousness—consciously together 
Sun Day Circle is a precious opportunity to gather together twice a month and cultivate energy-centered wisdom and practices that engage us with heart, soul, and spirit, in a community activation matrix. If you have been yearning for practices of communion, empowerment and co-creation with your heart and soul, with others in community, you are welcome to this new form of Sun Day gathering. From 1-3pm on the first and third Sunday, Cherie will be offering up topics and experiential practices of essential spiritual attunement.

2013 Sun Day Circle Meditations     First Sunday of each month, from 1-3pm   Woodinville, WA

All meditation sequences in the Sun Day Circle will begin with practices of subtle energy alignment and grounding, preparing ourselves for the greatest ease and depth of experience. Meditation is a primary tool for expanding our bliss-tolerance, are you ready?

We will be practicing a variety of guided meditations:

  •   Energy meditations, building a coherent and resonant field of well-being, empowerment & healing 
  •   Quantum heart meditations, awakening to the qualities of divine love, embracing self love, resting in the field of unity
  •   Meditations for cultivating a spacious engagement of the gap, the presence of all possibilities, the full void

Meditation variations: within the various meditations we may be utilizing sound, movement, breath, subtle energy bodies, light, stillness, visualizations and contemplations.
We end our session with the sharing of questions and experiences, as desired.

2013 Sun Day Circle Practices of Awakening  
Third Sunday of each month, from 1-3pm   Woodinville, WA

Practices of Awakening and Transformation: A Path of Heart and Soul

We transform the fear and habitual energies of density by cultivating a body/heart energetic that is in resonance with the frequencies of divine love. A key factor in this definition of love is that it is energy—an intelligent energy—that all humans can learn to focus, direct, and transmit with intent.
The portal in the human biofield through which this universal love flows is the energetic heart. This is the receiving and transmitting center of love in all human beings, and creates the platform from which the realm of soul operates. Let's explore this.
  • Practicing Self love: Daily Loving Care, Being Love 
  • Expanding your experience of time: Encountering the NOW and zero-point consciousness
  • Embodying Spirit Here and Now: Mastering your vibration, breathe & ground
  • Energy Hygiene: Clearing the sludge, yours and theirs, right relationship with energy
  • Developing Mastery: Generating coherence, the Art of the Genuine
  • Spirited Relationships:Blossoming open to Spirit, together
  • Shifting with Grace: Awakening to 4th and 5th dimensions of consciousness
  • Transforming the Energy of Fear
  • Awakening to Sleep: Practices and tools for empowered sleep
  • Forgiveness: The energy of harmony and release
  • Cultivating compassion: Transmuting suffering
  • Surrendering to the unconditional: Releasing judgment
  • Magic Words:Sound, encoded prayers and blessings

To register for Sun Day Circle Meditation Mastery and/or Practices of Awakening:
        Email Cherie to RSVP & prepay: choose PayPal invoice or mail check
          Investment in Self: $45 for one or $80 for two/month.

Cherie Byrd, MA  206.324.2526



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