2013 welcomes you to expanded possibilities!

Dear Hearts, Welcome to a new year and a new cycle of creation upon our beloved earth. It has been a fascinating journey so far! As many of you know I’ve been a “sensitive” all my life which offers me the gift of experiencing an immediate and palpable resonance with many of the subtle underlying energies of who you are when I am working with you, as well as an engagement with the creative underlying movements of energy on the planet. This last year many people were teaching us that a multitude of cycles of creation were all culminating and that there would be some profound changes around the winter solstice. These shifts are not something that everyone notices, but I have been profoundly moved. From what I’ve seen we are now in the midst of major paradigm shifts and there are many more changes coming. This is where I get very, very excited. I delight in helping to birth these shifts in consciousness where we discover unlimited access to our inner resources and cultiva...