Chakra, Breath & Divine Love Energy Meditation

Are you eager to embody more of your Spiritual energy, with more grace and ease? Join me in a powerful new meditation offered up by Spirit.

By utilizing the natural flow of the chakras in relation to our breath we will clear and charge, and begin to organize our energy system, deeply useful in and of itself. When we engage this chakra practice in conjunction with the energies of Divine Love it transforms and becomes a deep, profound and embodied communion between our body, heart, Soul and Spirit, weaving us together in the matrix of All.

This is a meditation process which is basically simple, but ultimately requires one to practice holding attention and felt intention in several areas at the same time, so it’s best learned one step at a time. After mastering one level, begin to integrate the next.

We’ll be using the 7 personal chakras located in the center of the physical body. Chakras are communication bridges between the physical energy system (meridians) and the subtle energy bodies: the mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. If these chakras are fully activated they become spheres of interconnected light about the size of a round honey-dew melon and easily distribute the subtle energies in a harmonious and inherently healing way. We experience a coherence and sense of well-being and wholeness.

A quick review of the 7 personal chakras
The chakras are alternately receivers or expressers of energy. The odd numbered ones, (1,3,5,7) are expressive, the even numbered ones are receivers (2,4,6).

·      Chakra 1, root chakra, located at the base of the body’s trunk, cultivates our relationship with Mamma Earth and her resources.
·      Chakra 2, sex and creativity chakra, located in the pelvis. This chakra utilizes the resources of chakra 1 and creates with them.
·      Chakra 3, personal power chakra, located in the solar plexus, diaphragm area. This chakra accesses the creations of 2nd chakra and offers them to the world with more or less confidence.
·      Chakra 4, heart chakra. As a species we have also recently developed an additional heart chakra called the High Heart, or Crown Heart chakra which is more resonantly in tune with our Soul and Spiritual energy. Simply place your attention in the center of your chest and both of these chakras will be activated. This is the embodied access of our Soul and the central anchor of our spiritual energy body.
·      Chakra 5, the throat chakra, located from collar bone to the jaw hinge. This is the center of sending our truth out into the world, having arrived from the lower chakras up, and upper chakras down.
·      Chakra 6, the third eye, located inside the head in the area of the pineal gland, behind the bridge of the nose. This is actually our psychic energy body, which may expand to our whole system, but for now let’s expand it to honey-dew sized. This is the field which accesses our IN sight, intuition, inspiration, direct knowing.
·      Chakra 7, the crown chakra is located from the jaw hinge to several inches over the head, it’s a big one. This is our connection with the consciousness of All That Is.

The Meditation
As you begin any meditation, especially energy meditations, please ground yourself in whatever way works for you before you begin. Place your feet on the floor and hands to your side, not on your body. If you’re sitting in lotus or tailor position just rest your hands beside you, not on your body.

Stage One: practice inhaling into the receivers (2,4,6) and exhaling from the senders (1,3,5,7).
A first practice would be to go up the chakras (always begin with the root chakra) and activate them one at a time. Chakra one sends, take a deep breath and exhale out the root chakra, this will actually help you ground. When you get a clear, felt sense of chakra one, bring your focus to chakra two. Inhale into your pelvis, receiving, and simply filling the chakra with your exhale. Continue on up the whole chakra system, focusing on one at a time, alternately receiving and expressing.

This may well be enough for a first practice. Once you have a clear felt sense of these dynamics, however long this takes, proceed to the next level.

Stage Two: holding focus and flow in several chakras
Begin with only the receivers, placing your attention on all three of them (2,4,6) as you inhale and simply allowing the energy to rush through you as you exhale. Cultivate a felt sense and remember that the chakras are round, inside you and receive from all directions. Drink in the energy and feel it rush and circulate thru you as you exhale.

Then switch to the expressive, odd numbered chakras. Place all of them (1,3,5,7) in your awareness, one at a time, and take a deep breath and exhale through all the expressive chakras. You may find that the root chakra and the crown chakra radiate more directly down and up than in a full circle, that’s fine.

Stage Three: whole system breathing
This is where the whole meditation becomes a dynamic field of clearing, activation and harmonic communion with self and the holographic fields in which you reside.

On your inhalation you’ll place your attention on 2, 4 & 6 and receive into them from the holographic field all around you. As you exhale you’ll send out the energy from 1, 3, 5 & 7. You may find that long slow breaths allow you more presence, engagement and expanded awareness.

As with any energy activation process you may find your body making room for the increased flow by vibrating, shaking, making spontaneous sounds, and movements. Let it, it’s realigning and distributing your flow patterns, welcome it.

Stage Four: engaging the energies of Divine Love
Divine, or unconditional love, is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional resonance which is tricky to absorb whole. Experiencing it as facets, much like the rainbow colors that come from light through a prism is do-able. When Divine Love light comes thru the prism of our heart it resonates as 6 qualities we know, at least on the surface. The qualities are: appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. These energies of unconditional love are surrounding us at all times, we need only to draw them in and experience them. Your understanding of these virtues will deepen and expand as you engage your relationship with them. As you do so, your life will change as these qualities align you with your deeper path and fields of matching synchronicities.

Stage 4, level one: Receiving Divine Love
Choose one of the qualities of Divine Love and use it as a feeling tone (not a concept) that you will inhale and receive from the universe into the even chakras.

You may well feel that receiving these qualities into your whole self is overwhelmingly powerful, ringing your chimes, cracking open your heart. It’s your soul saying thank you for tuning in, at last. Divine love is the nature of everything, the building blocks of All That Is. It may well feel deeply moving, you’re tapping into that which you truly are.

I recommend focusing on each receiving chakra (2,4,6) separately to begin with. You may only be able to fully experience one in each sitting, go slowly enough that you actually feel yourself receiving that quality from the universe into you.

Stage 4, level two: Expressing Divine Love
Placing your focus on the expressive chakras, (1,3,5,7), one at a time if need be, send a deeply felt sense of the chosen quality out into the hologram of life with your exhalation. Go slowly enough to fully feel the resonance. This energy will be magnified by spirit and sent to where it is most needed. Alternately you may dedicate this energy to someone, some place, some event that is important to you.

Stage 4, level three: Receiving and Expressing Divine Love
When you are ready choose one of the qualities of divine unconditional love and feel into it. When you are ringing with this quality, begin breathing slowly and at the root chakra send your quality out, riding on the exhalation. Then inhale this quality into the second chakra, exhale it thru the solar plexus, into the heart, out thru the throat, into the third eye and out thru the crown. Repeat this several times, maintaining your deeply felt connection to receiving and offering this quality from and to All That Is.

Stage 4, level four: Receiving and Expressing Divine Love into your whole system
Once you have some skill and experience with focusing upon the individual chakras it’s time to expand your focus to all the even, and odd flow patterns. Begin by choosing the quality you desire to experience more fully and feel into it, touch its resonance. Then on the inhalation open to receiving this aspect of love from the universe into 2,4,6 and expressing it from 1,3,5,7 on the exhalation.

Stage 4, level five: Combining aspects of Divine Love
When you’re at this stage you’ve experienced a lot, but since we are always expanding and evolving there is always room for more engagement with the Divine. This is the point where you will activate more than one quality at a time. Perhaps today you wish to experience compassion, understanding and forgiveness, or appreciation and valor, or understanding and humility. Take your pick and feel into each quality individually, setting your energy field in resonance with each one and layering them into your energy matrix.

Then begin your breathing, inhaling and receiving your love combo into the even chakras, and expressing, offering this flavor of love back into the hologram of All That Is.
I’ve always been very generous with my out flow, but I’m only beginning to learn to truly receive. So the most profound piece of this practice arrives when I crack open my pattern and actually feel the universe appreciating me, embracing me in compassion, freely forgiving me, being humbled by me, truly understanding (standing under) me, sending valor and strength to me. I can hardly do this practice without crying. In these moments I remember a wise being saying that when a human’s soul is touched, they often leak. Just remember to bring the tissues with you; there may be a lot of leakage.

If you are brave enough to practice this meditation I’d love to hear about your experiences. If you feel you need help, bring it to a private session and we can tease out the bits that are getting in your way.


Chakra Biology said…
Thanks Cherie, great information!
It is very important to meditate and connect with the chakras. The human body is like a receiver and transmitter so much like a radio. The only difference is the fact that we also assimilate the information we receive and then transmit it. The more connected to these chakras we are the more aware of our role in the universe we will be.

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