Soul Tribes

I was out in the garden wrestling with blackberry roots and I realized that a short sound bite had been skipping thru my head for a couple of days, looping round and round in the background of my mind... "Flintstone kids, ten thousand strong and growing...". Geeze, a kid’s vitamin jingle, what was that about?

"Well, I’m glad you asked!" says the singer of the head tune, one of my less reverent inner guides. "What have you been pondering about these last several months?" Lordy, that’s a big question!

In that year I’d been wrestled to the ground by a kundalini awakening, which had literally ejected me out of my psychotherapy practice in the city and into the wet, cool grit of country soil. In the midst of a "spiritual emergency" I was being energetically electrocuted and was getting hauled thru the graduate course in grounding. In that year it had become clear that the trip had only just begun, and I was pretty clueless as to where I’d end up. What was I pondering?? Everything was up for grabs at that point, "What kind of a question is that?"

"You were asking how to find your spiritual community, the folks in your ‘soul tribe’. Well, where you go or what you do together is not really the point; no matter where you meet them you’ll recognize them by their light, their energy."

"Well, what’s the underlying question you’ve had these months since being unleashed from your normal moorings?" Hhhmmmm. Oh yeah, thru all this I’ve been seeking community, spiritual community, is that it? "Bingo!" Well, what’s that to do with the Flintstone kids??

Most of the time I love that my guides teach me with lots of playfulness, frequently in tunes, half pirated and rewritten to suit; but when a vibrating girl on the edge of a migraine is perched on the side of a hill fighting 2-foot long blackberry roots there’s a certain seriousness that’s required. Get to the point, please.

"All right, all think, what’s a flint stone? And how would you join that with the energy of a kid?" Hmmm, well, it’s probably a kid that’s lit somehow. "Yes! You ask how to find your spiritual community, the folks in your ‘soul tribe’. Well, where you go or what you do together is not really the point; no matter where you meet them you’ll recognize them by their light, their energy. They will spark, their eyes will be lit up. Particularly if you’re both in your bodies, you‘ll find that your energies spark each other, and you are expanded by being in their presence."

OK, my heart mates are lit up, they spark. OK, that’s good, oh and their inner kids are alive and well? There is a lightness to them, great, that works for me. What’s the rest?

"Well, you tend to think these folk are scarce and hard to find. I’m telling you that in the area of your usual activities there are at least 10,000. These are strong people, and people who are growing. Get it? Flintstone kids, ten thousand, strong and growing!"

I crumpled onto the side of the hill and looked around me with new eyes, eyes lit with the flames of my heart and I began to weep as I let this gift sink in. Ten thousand?? My heart had been feeling so very alone most of my life as a spiritual seeker. Ten thousand? I began to feel the presence of ten thousand lit up playful souls shining everywhere in my life. I melted into the side of the hill, into the arms of Gaia and wailed the pain of loneliness from my cells. Some days grace can almost be too much to bear.


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