
Showing posts from September, 2015

Extreme Self-Care, Jammie-down Days

Jammie-down Days by Cherie Byrd Many people understand that the earth and everything on it has been going thru evolutionary shifts which have required us to re-access and offload a lot of our limiting stories. This is not an easy process to navigate, most of us want to avoid our shadow all together, and it leaves a lot of folks feeling emotionally exhausted and run down, if not well and truly sick.  This calls for Extreme Self Care. We need to bring our heartfull consciousness back to ourselves and nurture, nourish and love ourselves on every level.  I’ve been recommending a lot of Jammie-down time to clients lately. Jammie-down is a very intentional, conscious day or two of quiet relaxation, loving and nurturance. Most folks who find themselves at the end of their oomph will spend time vegging out, and a jammie-down day may have some of those elements, however their execution is geared toward heightened connection and presence ra...

Clearly the most thoughtful review ever, thank you Angela!

7 Lessons in Love, Lips, & Life Force by Cherie Byrd, MA Book Review Review by Angela Earle Printed in Spirit of the Valley,  Magazine of Mountain Wellness Aug 2005   Since any of us may die at any moment, learning to love more fully sounds like the most important, and most urgent, class to take. (page xii) So opens Kissing School: Seven Lessons on Love, Lips, and Life Force. This is not a book about technique, the correct amount of pooch or pout, or a waxing ode to the power of love. It is about love as life and death, about love as here and now, about being fully alive in the moment, about stepping up to the plate and running with open arms into total being, bliss, and wonder. It’s about the fact that a fabulous, powerful, memorable kiss is an outgrowth of a loving, connected person-someone not afraid of their own sexual shadow. Someone willing to bring their heart into the light… Kissing School itself is an outgrowth. It is the culmina...

Engaging your Inner Lover, Embodying Lovelight

Seven everyday steps toward cultivating an embodied inner lover: 1) Learn to BE HERE NOW. By trying to be everywhere we end up no-where. Our access to our power is available now, and now, and now, and...Bring yourself to it again, and again! Presence is a verrry sexy and magnetic quality. 2) Learn to breathe deeply and do it a lot! Diaphragmatic breathing generates an increased flow of chi, or vital energy in the body. If you are aware of your heart chakra, open it at the top of the inhalation allowing it to fill full of light. On the exhalation allow this lightforce to flow thru the body. This practice will directly impact sexual potency, and everything else in life. Lifeforce is the presence of Spirit. 3) Learn to walk using your whole body, beginning the step from the hip and allowing it to flow thru the upper and lower body, arms swinging in counter position to the legs. First place your attention in your heart chakra, this unites and engages our presenc...

How's your Inner Lover doin'?

While working on my new Kissing School​ website I ran into some articles I've written...still true as ever. This is about cultivating our embodied inner lover...mmm Cultivating an Embodied Inner Lover by Cherie Byrd, MA  (originally published by Women Net Work, women’s publication for growth and wellness, Feb 2001 lightly updated 9/16/15) It makes me grin when I think about it, for it seems I have created a very privileged role for myself. I’m in practice as a holistic energy therapist and I teach "Kissing School!” I’m blessed with a lot of deeply intimate conversations with friends, clients, and perfect strangers about their sex lives, their longing for love, passion, what turns them on and off. I hear about the struggles between sex and our beliefs regarding its value, its relationship to spirit, to body images, and the power issues between partners. I'm told frequently that people feel cheated, that real sex doesn’t live up to the promises, the fa...