Energy shifts rockin your world?
Are you feelin it??
Combine the ongoing rain in the Seattle area with the dramatic forces of nature across the country, add several huge solar flares, a series of 3 powerful eclipses last month, the solstice last Thursday, the full moon today, mercury going retrograde and you could attest that it's wild these days!
It can be really helpful to know that these kinds of events have a huge impact on our emotional bodies. The solar flares rock the earth's magnetic fields which in turn rattles the magnetic field of our emotional body. Activations happen and we each respond to them differently, according to how we are organizing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Most folk get rattled in some way.
This last week people reported that they were emotionally all over the place, had headaches, were dizzy, feeling buzzy, couldn't think, saw visions, and felt really overwhelmed. There has been a lot of powerful dreaming (if you slept at all) and old dysfunctional life-patterns were arriving to be healed, again.
We're living in the midst of changing times and change is rarely pretty, at least at first when we're doing the releasing and clearing part, but this is necessary healing. The evolution of humanity is picking up speed and we're being called into a deeper relationship with our wholeness, even the ugly bits. I've been using A LOT of energy mastery tools to ride these waves of activation, and it really helps. I hope you're remembering to use what you know to keep dialing yourself into the frequencies of love and the natural well-being of an embodied coherence of heart, mind and spirit. Feeling harmonious begets hormone balancing, which goes a long way toward feeling balanced.
I'm offering some useful and empowering classes this month. Take a look and see if you need to perhaps rekindle your loving relationship, learn some energy mastery tools for aligning with a heart-centered life, or perhaps you would like to experience the power of Blessing--blessing your life, your world, your work, your body, your water, your everything.

I hope you're spending some quiet time in nature, witnessing the beauty and magic of our new summer, and balancing your life. Carve out some times in your day to ground yourself, to take a few deep breaths and let go...surrender to something larger, even if you can just hold your focus for 5 minutes, do it thruout the day.
Simple experiences like this generate a re-calibration and allow us to return to life refreshed, with a sense of spaciousness and new possibilities.
The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be.
~Shakti Gawain♥
Try this simple practice, it's so loving and powerful: