Notes for Tantric Women's Group

Dear Women,
I’m offering a six-month transformational workshop series for healing the limitations of our past, and moving into an expanded relationship to our sexual energy, creative power, spiritual resources and passionate well-being. 

It will be yummy, powerful and deeply engaging.
One Saturday & one weeknight per month. Dates: View Flyer

Notes for Tantric Women’s Series

There is a massive transformation of consciousness happening everywhere on our planet. We are all, knowingly or not, participating in this activation and embrace of spiritual presence. We're in it cellularly, genetically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, spiritually; and to the degree that we resist these changes, our life will feel challenging.      

Why anyone would want to resist spiritual presence is a question I’ve asked myself and others all my life. Bottom line is it’s a skill set we don’t think we can do. It messes up our well-known patterns, but there is a deep necessity for healing and releasing our outgrown wounds and beliefs, and freeing that bound energy which we then use to illumine the new.

When the energy of our past is freed up, the challenge then becomes a question of how openly we can embrace the numinous.  

How comfortable are you with your power, with passion, with your sexual and creative energies? Will you allow the rich spiritual frequencies to marinate you with the  the dimensions of Self which begin unfolding? Everything gets activated by the divine.

Spiritual presence requires the willingness and ability to embrace the mystery of change for this determines how gracefully we can open to the infinite and invite our greatest life.

Do you crave to experience wholeness, fulfillment, the divine flowing thru you? I always have, for me it is endlessly fascinating, and I’m amused that there seems to be a limitless more to embrace and dance and celebrate into life. Wholeness is a very BIG experience.

Transformation is a skill, an art, a driving force of sacred evolution. It’s activated by a primal force within us, in much the same way a flower bud is driven to open, and open splendidly.

Transformation into the fullness of our splendid Self, activated by divine love and expressed into our life, this is what our soul yearns for.

This kind of sacred work is sweeter to do with a small group of kindred spirits. Come, join me and a handful of wonder-full women as we move up the chakra system uncovering, healing and clearing the limiting imprints of our past. Cultivate energy awareness, and engage healing, expanding and embracing practices for moving into a freedom of expression of the greater, multidimensional woman that you uniquely are.

Classes are structured so that the monthly Saturday immersion is rich with experiential practices. There will be a light lunch, notes and homework. The monthly evening session offers us a reconnection with our process and each other. Here we have space for organically working with what is arising for us, and snack. You will be asked to keep a journal of your transformation so that you may honor and deepen your blossoming.

Flyer with dates, details, etc: View Flyer
Request a flyer to download: Tantra Series Flyer

Questions? email me or call:,  206.324.2526
I'm so excited to share this with you, Namaste! 


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