Notes for Tantric Women's Group

Dear Women, I’m offering a six-month transformational workshop series for healing the limitations of our past, and moving into an expanded relationship to our sexual energy, creative power, spiritual resources and passionate well-being. It will be yummy, powerful and deeply engaging. One Saturday & one weeknight per month. Dates: View Flyer Notes for Tantric Women’s Series There is a massive transformation of consciousness happening everywhere on our planet. We are all, knowingly or not, participating in this activation and embrace of spiritual presence. We're in it cellularly, genetically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, spiritually; and to the degree that we resist these changes, our life will feel challenging. Why anyone would want to resist spiritual presence is a question I’ve asked myself and others all my life. Bottom line is it’s a skill set we don’t think we can do. It messes up our well-known patterns...