Celebrate the change of seasons within you

Crystal Singing Bowl Healing and Manifestation Circles Circle gatherings are held 4 times a year, on the equinoxes and solstices. Next Circle is for Spring Equinox 2013, held on Sunday March 17th from 1-4pm The seasonal change points are particularly potent times of transformation so let’s join Mamma Earth in riding the waves of shifting energy while we send our intentions for healing and manifestation into the web of life. We’ll be meeting as close to the equinoxes and solstices as possible, joining in with groups all over the planet who are also intent on manifesting healing, unity, joy and peace for all. Have you experienced the amazing harmonics and beauty of crystal singing bowls? The soothing sounds of quartz crystal singing bowls promote a natural alignment to well-being by streaming powerful vibrations through the body to clear chronic patterns and the burdens of unconsciousness. Thought...